CALLAHEAD's is our traditional style porcelain toilet that is quality beyond compare within the portable sanitation industry.
Our is simply that, a porcelain toilet bowl just like the one in your home. Its porcelain toilet bowl is constructed of 100% vitreous china. The porcelain toilet's finish is smooth and long-lasting that is resistant to stains, odors and scratches.
The is one of our largest toilet systems, making it ideal for heavy bathroom usage within the office trailer. Installed by a professional uniformed plumber and connected to CALLAHEAD's Portable Water and Sewer System, users will think your office trailer's toilet bowl is connected to a domestic water line. Yet the system is completely mobile and can be moved to any location the office trailer needs to be.
The system's fresh water holding tanks and waste water holding tanks were customized by CALLAHEAD for our Porcelain Toilet Systems. Our Holding tanks control odor, cleanliness and has the ability to fit under just about every office trailer's crawl space. The toilet's flushing system is hooked up to an automatic fresh water pump that provides more than 50 pounds of water pressure. This is 10 pounds greater pressure than the average homes toilet which is an astounding feat in the portable sanitation industry that is unmatched. This amazing water pressure helps eliminate clogs, odors, keeps the toilet bowl cleaner and conserves water.
The also comes standard with its rental: CALLAHEAD's odorless operation guarantee, and our winterization package to eliminate freeze-ups during the winter months -- all at no extra charge to you. The toilet bowl's flush-and-forget technology ensures thorough one-touch flush every time. Outfitted with a traditional chrome spring loaded flushing handle that is dual functional, which you press down to flush and lift up to add additional water to the bowl, if desired. The pressure rim design improves flushing action to keep the bowl cleaner and helps prevent any odor causing issues.
The 's toilet bowl will provide comfort and extra support with its seat height comparable to a standard chair, which gives users greater knee and hip comfort. The porcelain toilet also has a deep bowl and a full size seat with an extra-large opening for additional comfort and convenience.
Providing home like comfort to thousands of our customers, this is by far the greatest porcelain toilet system on the market today. CALLAHEAD's is the ideal choice for that homelike bathroom experience every time.
- Construction job site office trailers
- Contractor's office trailers
- Mobile office trailers
- Any worksite office trailer
- All office trailers in need of restroom systems for their trailers bathroom with or without a connection to domestic water lines and sewer lines.
- Toilet bowl is 100% vitreous china construction
- European styling
- Traditional nickel-plated chrome flush handle
- Dual-function switch adds water to the porcelain toilet bowl if necessary
- Full-size elongated porcelain toilet seat for homelike comfort
- Anti-splash flush rim
- Porcelain toilet bowls are available in white and bone colors
- Flush and Forget technology operation for one-touch flush every time
- Electronically-timed mechanism and proven flush valve assure thorough flush every time
- Powerful rim flushing action to help keep the toilet bowl clean
- Very quiet operation
- Smooth porcelain finish is durable and resistant to stains, odors and scratches
- Porcelain toilet bowl measurements - 23" L x 14¾" W x 19" H
- Toilet bowl seat height - 17¼"
- Overall toilet seat height with lid up - 33½"
- Porcelain toilet bowl weight - 65 lbs.
- Elongated toilet seat opening for extra support and comfort
- Water level adjusts with a simple lift of the handle to ensure precision control and efficient water usage
- 100% vitreous china construction
- nickel-plated chrome flush handle
- Fresh water holding tank - gallonage varies upon request
- Waste water holding tank - gallonage varies upon request
For added convenience, we are proud to offer the below list of optional accessory items with your rental.
CALLAHEAD's rental accessories were selected to give every customer who uses our all the comforts and hygienic protection as if they were using the bathroom in their home. CALLAHEAD's accessory items are unmatched in the portable sanitation industry and are 100% maintained by CALLAHEAD.
- GoJo Hand Cleaning Dispenser can be installed inside the office trailers bathroom and filled with the #1 heavy duty GoJo hand cleaner. GoJo hand cleaner is popular among auto mechanics for its ability to break down grease and grime easily. GoJo Hand Cleaner has become widely popular with construction workers and contractors to remove acids, cement and other solvents from hands. 100% maintained and refilled when needed by CALLAHEAD with its rental.
- Headmist Time Released Air Freshener can be installed inside the office trailer's restroom or anywhere you would like to have a clean fresh scent released automatically. The Headmist is refilled when needed and 100% maintained by CALLAHEAD with its rental.
- Soap Dispenser can be installed inside the office trailer's bathroom filled with antibacterial soap that kills 99.9% of germs and bacteria. The soap dispenser would be easily accessible above a sink already inside the trailer. Soap dispenser supplies approximately 900 - 1300 uses when filled. (If there is no sink available inside your office trailer, ask about CALLAHEAD's sink rental options).
- Antiseptic Dispenser can be installed inside your office trailer restroom or anywhere you want access to a hand sanitizer within the trailer. The dispenser is filled with our waterless hand sanitizer that kills 99.9% of germs and bacteria and meets OSHA and Health Department requirements. The hand sanitizer is perfect for sanitary protection before and after using the restroom, before and after meals and anytime throughout the day. The antiseptic dispenser supplies approximately 900 - 1300 uses.
- Paper Towel Dispenser can be installed inside your office trailer's restroom and filled with 250 sheets of double fold paper towels. The Paper Towel Dispenser is commonly rented with the Antiseptic Dispenser.
- Headliner Toilet Seat Cover Dispenser can be installed inside the office trailers bathroom and filled with 250 toilet seat covers so every user may have a clean, dry and sanitary toilet seat. CALLAHEAD's toilet seat covers are flushable and biodegradable.
1. Odorless Operation
The CALLAHEAD porcelain toilet system was created to operate completely odor free from its inception back in 1986. This is no easy task when you consider many of the factors involved.
Whenever a new account is acquired by CALLAHEAD through non-performance of our competitors it is always due to one of three reasons:
- The entire system kept breaking down;
- No one would come to the site to service the system; and the most popular,
- The system smelled so bad they couldn't even stay inside the trailer.
Throughout the years CALLAHEAD has developed a process to where our systems operation is guaranteed to run odor free. Our attention to every detail along with numerous back-up systems put into place virtually eliminates the problems that arise due to odor.
The following information on how we have accomplished our odor free operation has been our little secret for decades. However, we now feel confident as the creators of the porcelain system to educate our clients (along with our competitors) on our odorless operation secret.
The CALLAHEAD porcelain toilet system is by far the greatest in the portable sanitation industry. We realize teaching our customers the very details of its odorless operation will give you the confidence that no other porcelain toilet system can compare to CALLAHEAD's.
The majority of the time the porcelain toilet system's waste holding tank is positioned only 4 - 10 inches below the porcelain toilet bowl. Due to the limited space available below the trailer there is absolutely no room for a traditional trap which utilizes a pool of fresh water to block the air coming from the sewer, cesspool or in this case, the waste tank. In this situation the air from the waste tank continually enters the bathroom right out of the toilet bowl itself.

In order to resolve this problem CALLAHEAD has come up with a multitude of processes to alleviate many odor causing issues.
• CALLAHEAD has developed a waste tank designed to operate as a holding tank, which at the same time operates as a bin. This is accomplished by putting three 8" equipment covers and four 3" caps at the top of the waste tank. We call this "the bin effect". The bin effect allows us complete access to the tank to clean-up many of the odor causing problems that your typical waste holding tank will not. Utilizing the bin effect, our service technician has the ability to remove all caps and covers to properly pump and clean the waste tank to eliminate any odor causing issues that can develop inside the waste tank before they can even start. Given that liquid smells much less than mud sediment the service technician will always leave 2" - 3" of water in the waste tank at every pump out.
With complete access to the interior of waste tank the service technician has the ability to use his hose to level out the waste into the water so at each service any leftover sediment is placed below the water line. Another odor causing problem within the waste tank is when the waste dumps out from the toilet bowl through the 3" dump pipe it can build a mountain of waste right below the dump pipe entering into the waste tank.
Again, utilizing his hose, the service technician can completely clean all of the waste build up in, around and below the dump pipe. If by chance there is a time that the mud sediment has a more serious build up at the bottom of the tank or anywhere else inside waste holding tank, the service technician can also thoroughly clean the entire tank by vacuuming the floor and scrubbing it clean with a biodegradable chemical.
If we did not operate our waste tank as a bin, we would not be able to tackle these major odor causing problems which will arise without proper cleaning of these waste tanks.

- During installation of your porcelain toilet system our installation technician hooks up one of the waste tank's 3" openings to the office trailers vent stack with a 3" PVC pipe. This vent stack will now act as a chimney creating the "chimney effect" to eliminate odors arising from the waste tank and smelling up your trailer. The chimney effect causes the air to pass through the stack opening on the roof of the trailer and that air siphons the air out of the waste holding tank. Any odor that is in the waste holding tank gets pulled through a pipe which passes through the bathroom interior of the trailer and is then released out of the top of the trailer eliminating odor issues.
- Frequently people renting our porcelain toilet system tend to believe that the caps and covers should be taken off the waste tank (bin) to release any odor. Some customers have even opened them on their own which is a major mistake. It is imperative for caps and covers of the waste holding tank to remain sealed at all times unless being serviced by our service technician. Opening these caps and covers would be the quickest route for the odor since it is the largest opening and the chimney effect will not operate correctly causing odor to seep up into your trailer.
- The only ventilation we have in our waste tank is around the equipment covers. The reason we keep ventilation very low is so more air comes out of the tank through the chimney rather than go into the waste tank. This of course creates negative pressure inside of the waste tank. The result, when you flush the toilet bowl instead of air coming out into your bathroom carrying odor the air gets pulled into the toilet bowl instead which will eliminate odor from the waste tank from entering your bathroom.
- Also, during installation the technician seals every opening in the floor of the trailer to prevent any odor from being released inside the bathroom through the floor.
- During the colder 6 months of the year from approximately October 15 through April 15th CALLAHEAD uses our albrine solution to completely eliminate odor from the waste tank. Our powerful albrine solution consists of 2 ½ pounds of salt to every 1 gallon of water. This ratio of salt to water guarantees odor free operation of your system during the winter months as salt destroys odor by killing all bacteria and microorganisms virtually on contact. If during this period there is any foul odor it is most likely a dead animal in your trailer's crawl space or an unclean bathroom.
- During the warmer 6 months of the year from approximately April 15th through October 15th CALLAHEAD replaces the albrine solution with a strong biodegradable chemical placed in the flushing water to help kill odor causing bacteria.
- Due to many odor causing issues and waste to water issues we always recommend the sink system to be a completely separate system. This includes the grey water waste tank just like you would see on a plane, boat or motor home etc.
Odor issues can also arise due to the enclosed areas around the crawl space of your trailer. CALLAHEAD has several recommendations to eliminate the odors that would naturally rise from underneath the trailer.

- CALLAHEAD does not recommend enclosing the entire crawl space of the trailer with skirting since this will obviously prevent air flow under the trailer that can cause odor. We recommend where the equipment is located at the bathroom area beneath the trailer has absolutely no skirting whatsoever with the area directly across having lattice work of equal size to create airflow.
- Ideally, CALLAHEAD recommends to either having the entire area beneath the trailer be completely open or completely closed with lattice work, which we have found creates the greatest airflow beneath the trailer to allow for an odorless crawl space.
However, if enclosed skirting is a must for your trailer, we highly recommend a hinged door at our waste and water tank's equipment area as well as 6" circular holes every 4' to 6' feet at the midpoint height of the skirting, to create airflow beneath the trailer.

An overflow of a waste tank would be a major problem that would put a large amount of waste in your trailers crawl space. Since trailers tend to have skirting as well as a lot of equipment such as tanks, pumps, axle, tires etc. clean up would not be an easy task. Furthermore, many trailers crawl space tend to be completely out of direct sunlight eliminating the possibility of the sun drying up the liquid waste naturally. With this information you can agree that overflows of your waste holding tank must be prevented at all costs. CALLAHEAD has created and installed an overflow alarm system which is placed inside of the waste tank that goes off before the tank ever has a chance to overflow. This alarm system when operated properly will eliminate overflows of your waste holding tank.
Another possible odor causing problem inside your bathroom and trailer could have to do with your porcelain toilet bowl. If your porcelain toilet is no longer holding water in the bowl itself this could create odor issues. For example, if you go to use your toilet bowl and there is no water in it you may decide to flush the toilet to refill it with fresh water before you use it. If this is happening to your toilet CALLAHEAD will need to replace your porcelain toilet. In this case the water is running out of your toilet due to the valve not sealing properly. Obviously if water can leak out of the toilet bowl then air from your waste tank will seep back into the trailer that would clearly have an odor. CALLAHEAD will solve this odor issue immediately by completely replacing your porcelain toilet.
CALLAHEAD's odorless operation of our porcelain toilet system has been developed entirely on our relentless pursuit to create the best porcelain toilet system for our customers.
We utilized scientific factors as well as common sense and logic to perfect this system which has been developed and evolved over decades. We are proud to present our formula of our odorless operation to our customers in our goal to provide our clients with a worry-free porcelain toilet system.
Understanding how our system works will offer you the peace of mind when choosing CALLAHEAD Porcelain Toilet Systems for your jobsite or office trailer.
2. Winterization Process
The CALLAHEAD Winterization Package is by far the best in the industry.

With thousands of systems out in the field CALLAHEAD's water and sewer systems continue to go year after year with absolutely no freeze-ups at all, which is an amazing stat. We would not make such a bold statement so confidently and proudly if it were not true. Developing and evolving the Winterization Package since 1986 is how we perfected this process.
We feel it is important for our customers to understand fully how we have accomplished such success with our Winterization Package to give you not only knowledge of how our systems work but also provide our clients confidence when choosing CALLAHEAD. We realize this will also give our competitors the blueprints to our creation however, we are certain as the developers of this Winterization Package that nothing can match the original (e.g. If KFC gave every chicken house its recipe they still couldn't be KFC).
To begin our winterization process, the first thing we do to eliminate freeze-ups is to treat the water. We do this by melting perfectly clean salt with the water at an amazing ratio of 2½ lbs of salt to 1 gallon of water. When the salt is completely melted you will have a strong albrine solution that will keep the water from freezing to about 6 degrees Fahrenheit, which is a very good start but not good enough.
After the water is initially treated, it is time to create a heating system in and around all of the contained water areas. Just like airplanes need back-up systems to stay in the air, our water Winterization Package needs many back-up systems to completely eliminate freeze-ups. With this theory in mind we double up on all the heating components and even send the electric lines to different breakers so there is less chance of freeze-ups due to loss of electric power. Inside the holding tanks we place two electric heaters that lay at the bottom of the tank with built in thermostats. These heaters will keep the tank water temperature well above the freezing point.
We then use heat tracing along the plumbing lines from the fresh water tanks to the pump and follow the pump to the restroom floor of the trailer. Two lengths of heat trace are then used to go up and down and along both sides of the plumbing pipes.
Finally, we wrap up all plumbing lines from the tank to the pump all the way through to the trailer floor with an insulation wrap to complete the Winterization Package installation. The secret to our success is our numerous back-up systems put into place at every installation.
We have been developing and evolving this process since 1986 and as a result, freeze-ups at CALLAHEAD do not exist.
3. Fresh Water Holding Tanks
CALLAHEAD's fresh water holding tanks were designed exclusively for the portable sanitation industry.
Our goal was to locate the best white colored polyethylene tanks that were also the thickest and strongest available. Another significant feature we required of these tanks was not only their durability but that you could also see the water level through the wall of the tanks. As a perfectionist company we did not settle until we found exactly what we wanted.

Once we located the best blank tanks available meeting all of our requirements we began to customize each tank.
Our first step in our customization process was to support the top deck of the tank from naturally concaving which is essential. We achieved this by putting 4" wooden upright supports to support the top deck of the tank. The top part of the flat displaced polyethylene tank will always have the top deck of the tank collapsing into the tank due to weight and the natural forces of gravity.
Next we will put four 3" PVC female threaded fittings into each corner of the tank which is required specifically for the plumbing hook-ups.
Each of the 3" fittings will be equipped with a 3" PVC cap with a cable attached to prevent loss.
Our final touch to our exceptional tanks is the installment of two aluminum CALLAHEAD signage plate's one depicting contact information and the other gallonage of the tank.
The CALLAHEAD fresh water holding tanks are the lowest profile tanks available at a maximum height of either 12" or 16" allowing them to fit under almost any office trailer. Available in 10 different sizes giving us the ability to accommodate just about any size job even when there is limited space available.
Designed and created by CALLAHEAD, our fresh water holding tanks are unsurpassed in the portable sanitation industry.
We perfected these tanks to provide your porcelain toilet with guaranteed fresh running water. These fresh water holding tanks are available exclusively from CALLAHEAD and nowhere else. (see size chart below)
Width | Length | Height | Gallons |
24 | 48 | 12 | 50 |
24 | 48 | 16 | 75 |
36 | 48 | 12 | 85 |
36 | 48 | 16 | 115 |
48 | 48 | 12 | 115 |
48 | 48 | 16 | 150 |
48 | 72 | 12 | 170 |
48 | 72 | 16 | 225 |
48 | 96 | 12 | 225 |
48 | 96 | 16 | 300 |
4. Waste Water Holding Tanks
We began this process back in 1986 by researching blank black waste tanks. Once we found the thickest strongest polyethylene tanks available we purchased multiple sizes in both dimensions and gallonage (see size chart below).

With 10 size variations between height and gallonage, we began to customize each tank to fit our requirements for the porcelain toilet systems. These low profile tanks are designed to lay flat on the ground so they may fit under just about any office trailer's crawl spaces. However, when polyethylene tanks are laid flat in this position the top deck of the tank will naturally concave due to lack of upright support. To avoid this natural occurrence we customized the tanks by installing two 4" x 4" wooden supports to eliminate our tanks from collapsing. Next, we put a 3" PVC female thread fitting in each corner of the tank along with 3" caps with cables attached to the caps to prevent loss. This process allows plumbing hook-ups to the tanks.
The next step is to turn our black waste holding tanks into a combination tank/bin. We call this the "bin effect". We installed 3 black 8" twists on the equipment covers so when all of 3 of the covers are open the holding tanks essentially becomes a bin.
There are several benefits of having our tanks operate as a bin in addition to thorough cleanings which includes equipment installation inside the tanks of our heaters, filters, check valves, pumps etc. These 8" twist equipment covers also have cables attached to prevent loss.
Width | Length | Height | Gallons |
24 | 48 | 12 | 50 |
24 | 48 | 16 | 75 |
36 | 48 | 12 | 85 |
36 | 48 | 16 | 115 |
48 | 48 | 12 | 115 |
48 | 48 | 16 | 150 |
48 | 72 | 12 | 170 |
48 | 72 | 16 | 225 |
48 | 96 | 12 | 225 |
48 | 96 | 16 | 300 |
CALLAHEAD's design of our waste water holding tanks for the porcelain toilet system is like none other in the portable sanitation industry. We thought of every detail when creating these tanks from its operation, odor control, cleanliness and very importantly its ability to fit virtually under just about every trailer's crawl space. This allows nearly every office trailer to have the greatest porcelain toilet system in their restroom that is only available from CALLAHEAD.
5. Automatic Fresh Water Pump
When CALLAHEAD began creating our Porcelain Systems back in 1986 our goal was to create a system that is exactly like a porcelain toilet system in your house if not, better. From the beginning we realized for us to construct the greatest water and sewer system it was essential to generate equivalent or greater water pressure than that of a home sewer system.
At CALLAHEAD we believe in doing more than what is necessary, so we chose a very overwhelming pump to create 50 pounds of water pressure to achieve our goal.
When we considered that the average house has 40 pounds of water pressure or less, we knew we were off to a very good start to accomplish our objective.
Our Automatic Fresh Water Pump is made of stainless steel, has a one horse power motor with a motor speed of 3400 RPM, uses 110 volt electric and pumps an amazing 900 gallons of water per hour.
The purpose of this pump is to have a continuous 50 pounds of water pressure go to your toilet for exceptional flushing and operation.

At installation, CALLAHEAD's uniformed technician will install the water pump on a small custom skid outside the trailer directly in-between the waste tank and fresh water tank.
Schedule 40 PVC plumbing lines are used to and from the pump which is heat traced on both sides of the pipe and wrapped with insulation to prevent freezing during the winter months.
The electric line is brought under the trailer and plugged into the exterior outlet or brought through the floor of the trailer to an outlet (also see Winterization Package).
Our technician will then mark the breaker box with a sticker stating that the breaker is being used for the automatic fresh water pump.
At CALLAHEAD we accept nothing less than perfection in every aspect of our business down to the smallest detail. It is evident that CALLAHEAD's Automatic Fresh Water Pump is the ideal pump for these systems as thousands of already satisfied clients would agree making our porcelain systems the greatest in the industry.
6. Delivery and Installation
When it comes to running CALLAHEAD in our inherit goal to be perfect, we have detailed quality control systems in place for every aspect of our operations. Whether it is answering the phone in our office, delivering and setting up our equipment, weekly service or equipment removal from any location every CALLAHEAD employee is trained to ensure all of our customers receive professional and courteous service along with the greatest portable sanitation equipment available.
Knowledge of how our equipment is installed as well as its operation are key factors in customer confidence and satisfaction no matter what industry, which is what makes CALLAHEAD the greatest in the field of portable sanitation. We believe every great company operates in this fashion such as, General Electric (GE). GE is known for educating both employees and customers about their operations, products and services and of course their quality.
This detailed information about the installation of our porcelain toilet system will emphasize that CALLAHEAD is the best choice for your job site trailer.

Our porcelain systems delivery and installation will begin with a CALLAHEAD box truck arriving at your job site to unload your equipment which includes your holding tanks, pumps, porcelain toilet etc. Our uniformed installation technician will initiate the installation with the waste water tank and fresh water tank that will be placed either along the backside of the trailer directly under the restroom area or right along side of the restroom area.
Once the tanks are put in their proper location he will then mount onto a skid the automatic fresh water pump and place it directly in-between the two tanks.
At this point the technician will need to go into the office trailer to remove the porcelain toilet already located in your trailers restroom so he may replace it with the CALLAHEAD porcelain toilet system you have selected. Our porcelain toilet will already be bolted up to a base plate with a toilet flange installed at the bottom of the toilet. The technician will put the porcelain toilet into the proper position above the 3 inch waste pipe opening and bolt the toilet base plate down with four lag bolts to ensure the porcelain toilet is firmly secured in its place.

The technician now must return to beneath the trailer to install a 3 inch PVC pipe into the toilet flange right through the floor of the trailer. You will now have a porcelain toilet bolted to the floor of the trailer with the 3 inch PVC pipe sticking out of the bottom of your trailer.
The technician lines up one of the waste tanks 3 inch openings with the 3 inch pipe to the trailer floor hooking up the 3 inch pipe to the tank with a fitting. The goal is to have a 3 inch waste pipe to go from the toilet bowl to the waste tank with a straight drop and absolutely no turns in the pipe. This straight drop is required to prevent toilet clogs and back-ups.
Next, the technician will need to go back inside your trailer to install a ½ inch chrome nipple through the floor which will also have a ½ inch chrome water valve like you would see in a typical home bathroom.

Once the chrome water valve is in place next to the toilet bowl, the technician then hooks up a ½ inch stainless braided hose (speedy connector) which will extend from the chrome valve to the toilet bowl water line.
Your porcelain toilet bowl is now ready for constant water pressure. The technician now hooks up a 1 inch PVC pipe to the intake part of the water pump with a PVC adapter. The pipe goes over the fresh water tank, receives an elbow fitting then goes thru the fresh water tank equipment cover right to the bottom of the tank. He will then hook up a check valve-water strainer (foot valve) to an elbow fitting which is connected to the PVC pipe. This allows the foot valve to lay horizontally on the bottom of the fresh water tank.
A flow switch is now installed inside the fresh water tank which is connected to the vertical pipe. It is essentially just a plastic floating bob that is hooked up to a traditional extension cord. The bob is equipped with an internal switch and floats on top of the water and will drop as the water drops. This changes the position of the internal switch which in turn will shut off the electric. This is a very important feature since it will not allow the pump to run and overheat if the fresh water tank runs out of water. It is now time to hook up the exhaust side of the fresh water pump to the chrome nipple that comes through the trailer floor.
The installation technician will take a 1 inch PVC pipe and hook it up to the pump with a fitting that runs under the trailer to the nipple. This will be the fresh water feed to the toilet bowl. He then installs tank heaters into both the waste tank and the fresh water tank. The heaters go through the equipment covers and lay at the bottom of the tank. The technician plugs the heaters into an outlet under the trailer or he will bring the extension cords through the trailer floor to the closest outlets available.
The next important addition to CALLAHEAD's porcelain toilet system is the installation of our overflow alarm system. The technician will hook up a sensor unit to the waste tank and installs an alarm inside the trailers restroom which will notify you of the waste tank being close to full capacity. This was created to prevent overflows of your porcelain toilet system, although this alarm is much more important with domestic running water.

The following step of the installation process is the installation of heat tape and insulation wrap on all the PVC lines to prevent freeze-ups. The technician does this by running heat tape up and down both sides of the PVC pipes. He will secure the heat tape with electrical tape, plugs the heat tape into the outlets under or inside the trailer and then wraps all the PVC pipes with an insulation wrap. This process is known as our Winterization package.
The technician will now need to examine the breaker panel to figure out which breakers control which outlets. He will make sure the equipment amperage is below the breakers capability and then mark the breakers used with the CALLAHEAD equipment sticker. In the majority of cases two breakers will be required utilizing 20 to 40 amps depending on the time of year.
Now it is time for the technician to fill the fresh water tank with water, prime the pump with water and plug in the pump's electrical cord. He will then enter the restroom trailer and flush the toilet bowl several times to fill it with water and make sure it is flushing properly. The technician will then check that the pump is turning on and off and make sure the entire system is free from leaks. If the pump is working properly, there are no leaks and the toilet bowl is flushing correctly the technician has completed the installation of your porcelain toilet system.

It is now time for the technician to install a flat white metal plate right above the holding tanks at approximately the 5 foot mark on the outside wall of the office trailer along with the application of the CALLAHEAD sign-in sticker to the metal plate.
The sign-in plate is signed every time a service technician visits your site to service your system.

Finally, the technician will install a 6" x 5" engraved plaque with all of CALLAHEAD's contact information. The plaque's text is engraved in silver with a faded navy background and has a chiseled appearance.
This beautiful work of art is installed right above your toilet bowl inside your trailers restroom so you have easy access to our main office's contact information if you are ever in need of our assistance.
Once the installation and set up of your porcelain system is complete, the technician will completely clean up all areas affected by his work at your job site. All of CALLAHEAD's technicians arrive in full CALLAHEAD uniform and will complete his work in a polite, respectful and courteous manner. Our porcelain systems can be installed within 24 hours of placing your order with the average installation taking between 2 to 4 hours to complete.
Since 1986 CALLAHEAD has kept the details of this porcelain toilet system completely confidential as our competitors for decades have tried to imitate our design. However, we feel sharing the in-depth details to our porcelain toilet system will give our clients the confidence they desire and deserve when choosing a porcelain toilet system for their trailer's restroom. CALLAHEAD's goal has and always will be to supply our customers with the best equipment and service in the industry.
Our Porcelain Toilet Systems are the greatest in the field or we would not have thousands installed in office trailers all throughout New York and growing daily. We consistently work to develop and advance our system which has kept us way ahead of all others. It is undeniable that we have the most advanced porcelain toilet system in the industry.
7. Inspection System

CALLAHEAD has developed an excellent inspection system for our porcelain systems to ensure every customer's equipment is set up flawlessly. Once your equipment is delivered and installed by one of our professional installation technicians we will send a uniformed CALLAHEAD inspector to your jobsite in one of our signature VW Buggies.
Fully equipped with a pad, pen and camera, the inspector will take detailed notes on the quality of work completed at your site. Next, the inspector will take photos in every possible angle of all the equipment delivered and installed by the installation technician.
Once the inspection is completed, the inspector will return to the CALLAHEAD office where we will examine his notes against his photos to check if there are any possible improvements to be made on the installation. If by chance there are improvements needed, the installation technician will be given explicate details of the changes necessary utilizing the notes and photos taken by the inspector and return to your site to complete the job. Upon completion of all required changes, we will have our inspector return to the jobsite to verify all the improvements by again taking detailed notes and photos. At the point of completion of the installation of our perfected porcelain, water and sewer systems, all of the notes and photos will be put into the clients file for future reference if needed.
Most improvements on an installation may include, better placement of equipment, cleanliness of the job, electrical and plumbing lines neater and fastened more securely to walls and equipment etc.
At CALLAHEAD we are clearly perfectionists or we would not have thousands of sites with our equipment. We have been under the same ownership since we came into business and believe,
“Perfection is a matter of opinion, therefore it exists."
Perfection is simply doing things you don't have to do which is also the concept that made Disney one of the world's greatest companies and is how CALLAHEAD operates on a daily basis.
At CALLAHEAD we want our customers to be as confident in our systems as we are so we also send our professional inspectors on demand of the customer to go over the installation, service and operation questions etc.
CALLAHEAD realizes in the portable sanitation industry you must have company inspectors to remain a perfectionist company and ensure we always have the greatest systems and equipment in the field.
8. Fleet of Trucks and VW Buggy
We have over 60 vehicles on the road day in and day out not only representing the CALLAHEAD brand but servicing our cu stomer's equipment so it is a must for our vehicles to be in perfect condition at all times.
Having a fleet of brand new, perfectly clean and fully maintained vehicles at our equipment sites not only represents CALLAHEAD but our client's choice in portable sanitation equipment. Every one of our vehicles is fully equipped with GPS navigation systems which we update daily with each service technician's personal route.
When CALLAHEAD delivers, installs, inspects, maintains, services and repairs your porcelain system you will have 4 different CALLAHEAD signature vehicles come to service your site , 3 trucks and 1 Volkswagen Beetle (VW Buggy).
The first vehicle to arrive at your site is our shiny stainless steel signature delivery box truck transporting all the equipment to your site for installation. Our box truck will be driven by our uniformed installation technician delivering and installing your equipment.
A second vehicle to visit your job site will be CALLAHEAD's signature VW Buggy. Our white with navy blue signage VW Buggy will be driven to your site by our uniformed inspector who will be there to ensure your installation was completed perfectly.
A third vehicle to visit your job site is the CALLAHEAD fresh water delivery truck driven by our uniformed service technician. Our fresh water delivery truck has only one purpose, to deliver fresh water. Each of our fresh water delivery trucks have an enclosed stainless steel tank in which the fresh water is transported to your site and is clearly marked "Fresh Water Delivery" and has never carried anything but fresh water in its tank. Because CALLAHEAD purchases all of our vehicles brand new we can make this statement.
A fourth vehicle that will arrive at your job site will be our signature waste tank truck which is the most commonly seen of the CALLAHEAD fleet. Our stainless steel waste tank truck will be driven by a uniformed service technician with its purpose to clean out the waste from your waste tank.
CALLAHEAD's service technicians and inspectors will arrive in CALLAHEAD vehicles that are in like new condition, cleaned daily and serviced regularly. You will never see an old, dirty or beat up CALLAHEAD vehicle ever drive up to your jobsite or on the road for that matter.
At CALLAHEAD we are proud of the company we continue to build and it is important to us that our customers are proud to do business with CALLAHEAD. We understand that our equipment and vehicles on your jobsite not only represents CALLAHEAD but also our customers. It is our goal to give our customers the ability to say, "We have the best portable sanitation company on our site." We want our customers to say this proudly and confidently with no hesitation.
9. Consistency and Quality
CALLAHEAD has developed an excellent inspection system for our porcelain systems to ensure every customer's equipment is set up flawlessly.
Once your equipment is delivered and installed by one of our professional installation technicians we will send a uniformed CALLAHEAD inspector to your jobsite in one of our signature VW Buggies.
Consistency is one of the most important elements to a company's success, a products success and the success of any service. It is very difficult to create perfect consistency in a corporation because it completely goes against the laws of physics and human nature. Time after time nature builds then destroys, man builds then destroys and at times they work together.
For example, there is 60 days of beautiful weather and during this time man may fix, build or clean and then a storm comes and destroys what man has accomplished. This is very similar to how business operates. Natural forces opposing each other to where perfect consistency is very difficult to achieve or you could even say impossible (remember we believe perfection exists).
A Quick Note on Our Perfection Theory:
One of CALLAHEAD's Account Executives went out on maternity leave for a couple of months and had a baby girl. Upon returning to work she strongly debated our perfection theory with me. I asked her to argue all her points and that I promise once she was done I would have her agree with my perfection theory with just one sentence. Once she was finished I looked at her and asked, "Is your baby girl perfect?" She stood up with a look of shock and then smiled and replied, "You are absolutely right perfection does exist."
At CALLAHEAD we've learned the best way to create consistency is to have a backup system for all of our systems. This is an extremely difficult task, however to be a great company it must be done. A few examples of CALLAHEAD's backup systems are:
- For every 4 route drivers we have one extra driver;
- for every 4 trucks there is one extra truck;
- for every piece of equipment in the field we keep matching equipment in our yards;
- if we need 10 Account Executives, we would have 15;
- if we need 15 phone lines we would have 25 and so on.
As you can see to be a great company that believes in being perfect, it is very expensive, but is truly the only way to be the best. Multiplying the systems above and beyond the company's needs is critical to secure great service and equipment to the customer with the highest level of consistency. A perfectly run company mimics a machine, as machines do not operate inconsistently. Therefore a business must be as consistent as possible, especially to succeed in a company's inherit goal which is to survive.
Business is essentially war where the strong and consistent survive and the weak and inconsistent perish. For example, Warren Buffet an American investor, industrialist and philanthropist who is widely regarded as one of the most successful investors in the world. Mr. Buffet has been going to work every day for over 60 years with his businesses and career built on his consistency. Would Warren Buffet ever invest in an inconsistent company? The same with the Big Mac, if every Big Mac wasn't exactly the same, McDonald's would not be the business it is today.
Another element to great consistency in business is quality.
Quality creates consistency and consistency creates quality.
The higher quality will elevate the consistency but it must be quality thru and thru from the company's equipment and products to its people and operations.
All employees should have the mindset of buy the best, be the best and sell the best. This mentality creates a consistency which is pretty close to perfect. As with CALLAHEAD having thousands of pieces of equipment on the street we can end the business day regularly without one single complaint. This is the CALLAHEAD way that has been achieved because of our continued consistency and quality.
CALLAHEAD's Many Examples of Consistency Include:
- Every driver is in full uniform.
- All CALLAHEAD trucks are the same brand and style.
- Our office is open Monday through Friday from 7AM to 7PM and every Saturday from 9AM to 5PM consistently.
- All routes get done on the same day of the week.
- Our equipment is available for same day delivery.
- Our trucks are washed every work day.
- The phones in the office are always answered on the first ring during office hours.
- Each Account Executive uses the same tools to educate and sell to our customers and prospects.
- Our service technicians are taught to clean the equipment the same way every time.
The list of how we emulate consistency as a company goes on and on.
However, it is very important that we don't confuse the promotion of consistency with the concept of change. A great company must change faster than the rest of the industry. That change becomes habit and then consistent. Consistency is the final phase of change. Just as necessity is the final phase of luxury.
10. CALLAHEAD Plaque and Brand
This 6" x 5" aluminum plaque is engraved with all of CALLHEAD's contact information. Its text is in silver with a navy blue background and chiseled appearance which is a true work of art. The CALLAHEAD plaque is installed directly above your toilet bowl in the trailer's bathroom, giving users easy access to our office's contact information.
We believe as our devoted clients do, that this plaque represents a sign of excellence. Depicting to your employees that you care about their restroom facilities by providing them the quality they deserve. Anyone can hire a company with a toilet and a waste tank, but great companies will select CALLAHEAD. The plaque will make the statement, "You are the Best!"
Taking care of your employees and showing them you care about their needs will be sure to bring you a significant return. It is a fact, if you take care of your employees they will be a more dedicated and harder worker for your company. Perfecting our equipment, service and systems is what has made us the only brand all great companies go to for their portable sanitation needs.
11. Company History
This groundbreaking system was invented back in 1986 for our PORCELAIN TOILET SYSTEM by Charles W. Howard, CALLAHEAD's President and CEO. Mr. Howard, a visionary and inventor, began his career in the portable toilet industry, in 1977 building portable toilets from scratch. Since his inception into the business, he has been determined to develop his company's equipment and could foresee the imminent changes he could make to the portable sanitation industry.
The PORTABLE WATER AND SEWER SYSTEM was designed to be used within the construction industry for job site office trailers. Mr. Howard's goal was to develop a system so that office trailers could have a bathroom toilet and sewer system just like the one in your home. Prior to Mr. Howard's invention, an office trailer's restroom was essentially a toilet seat over a box inside the bathroom of the trailer. As you could imagine, restroom use was unpleasant. The CALLAHEAD system has many benefits such as, choices in porcelain toilets, odorless operation and a winterization package to eliminate freeze-ups. In addition, our flushing system supplies over 50 pounds of water pressure which is 10 pounds more pressure than the average homes bathroom.
The CALLAHEAD PORTABLE WATER AND SEWER SYSTEM can move to any location the trailer needs to be, yet you feel as though you are using a bathroom in your home. In the preceding pages, we have illustrated how our PORTABLE WATER AND SEWER SYSTEM is designed, installed, operated and serviced. As the original creators of the PORTABLE WATER AND SEWER SYSTEM for office trailers, we have outlined all of its operating details.
When researching office trailer toilet solutions, you will discover that CALLAHEAD is the only company in our industry to operate with the highest of standards. The details are so clear that you will see why the systems we put into place make us the leader in the industry. You will truly understand the CALLAHEAD motto, "To Develop and Evolve a Human Necessity" and recognize it is the only way we operate. The CALLAHEAD PORTABLE WATER AND SEWER SYSTEM is the perfect system for your office trailer. It will be the only system that you will ever want to use!
12. Customer Requirements for CALLAHEAD's Porcelain Toilet Systems
As you have read thus far, CALLAHEAD's porcelain toilet system is designed to give users the same experience as if they were using a toilet in their own home.
We literally created our very own portable sewer system so that its operation is as if you had domestic running water. CALLAHEAD has achieved this feat with very few requirements from our client's job site trailer.
While there are some minimal requests, our decades of experience of not always having the perfect trailer set up have taught us well. Keep in mind if your job site trailer can't meet all of our listed requirements, all is not lost. Let the CALLAHEAD, "There is always a way" attitude work for you.
- Trailer with a bathroom intact.
- 120 volt electric hook-up to trailer.
- Crawl space height beneath trailer of 24" to 36".
- At least a 3 foot wide space running parallel in the back of the trailer for access during installation and service.
- Ability for our service trucks to get within 15 to 25 feet of either side of the back corners of the trailer.
- An open and accessible crawl space for technicians to install and service the system.
Now that you have had a chance to review our minimal requirements we would also like to advise you of a few things that are not required. The following is what you do not need to install and operate CALLAHEAD’s porcelain toilet system.
- Do not need domestic running water.
- Do not need skirting around your trailer.
- Do not need a toilet bowl in your trailer.
- Do not need a sewer or cesspool hook-up.
As you can see, our requirements to set up our porcelain toilet system are minor. Many of you may be even more surprised of what you do not need to achieve CALLAHEAD’s homelike porcelain toilet system in your job site trailer.
At CALLAHEAD we believe anything is possible and resolvable. Throughout the years we have overcome numerous obstacles during thousands of installations of our systems. If your job site trailer does not meet all of our requirements give CALLAHEAD a call so we may work hard to remedy your obstacle so that you too may have the greatest porcelain toilet system in your trailer’s restroom.